
9,000-13,000 上海黄浦区 3-5年 大专 全职
上海圆和新永门诊部 2024-04-19 更新 2024-07-06 截止
五险一金 节日福利 带薪年假 工作餐 定期体检
【工作职责与任务 Job Responsibilities】

1、 在护理主管领导下开展工作。
Work under the leadership of the Nursing Supervisor.

Responsible for the preparation work before the clinic open. Do a goodjob of disinfection and isolation to prevent cross infection.

3、 严格按医嘱(或治疗单)为病人处置,如要改变处置方式,必须征求诊治医师的同意后方可进行;对有异议的医嘱向医生提出疑问。
The patient shall be treated strictly according to the doctor's advice(or treatment list). If the treatment method is to be changed, theconsent of the treating physician shall be sought. Question your doctorabout conflicting orders.

4、 认真执行各项规章制度和技术操作规程,严格查对制度,做好交接班,严防差错事故。
Conscientiously implement the rules and regulations and technicaloperation procedures, strictly check the system, do a good job in theshift, strictly prevent mistakes and accidents.

5、 做好客户服务,保证客户的满意度。
Ensure good service and guest satisfaction.

6、 负责门诊常规工作和器械的维护、保养工作。
Responsible for routine work and equipment maintenance.

7、 保持工作区域的工作环境清洁、整齐和安全。
Keep the working area clean, tidy and safe.

8、 提升自身专业知识和操作技能,不断学习新知识新技能。
Improve their professional knowledge and operational skills, andconstantly learn new knowledge and skills.

9、 符合圆和仪容仪表要求规范:淡妆上班,头发整洁,不戴夸张的耳饰,不涂指甲油等。
Meet the requirements of Circle Harmony and appearance: work with lightmakeup, neat hair, no exaggerated earrings, no nail polish, etc.

Work well with other departments and demonstrate good interpersonal relationships.

Complete other tasks assigned by superior leader.

【任职资格 Job Qualifications】

* 技能要求Required Skills

1、 护士执业资格证
Nursing practice certificate

2、 掌握护理专业基础理论和各种专科护理操作技术。
Master the basic theory of nursing and various specialized nursingoperation techniques.

3、 熟练常用急救技术,能解决患者常见护理问题。
Skilled in common resuscitation techniques and able to solve commonpatient care problems.

4、 熟悉门诊部业务和相关流程。
Familiar with outpatient department business and related processes.

5、 英文流利,可与外籍医生及病人进行日常交流。
Fluent in English and able to communicate with foreign doctors and patients.

6、 具有高度的责任心、严谨的工作态度,较强的综合分析能力,要求足够细心。无不良职业记录。
Have a high sense of responsibility, rigorous work attitude, strongcomprehensive analysis ability, and be patient. No adverse professional records.

* 学历Qualifications

College graduate or above major in Nursing

* 经历Experience
At least 2 years nursing experience

  • 基础护理学

  • 大专

  • 3-5年

  • 不限

  • 英语六级

  • 1


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