
12,000-20,000 上海黄浦区 3-5年 硕士 全职
上海优复康复医学门诊部 2024-04-28 更新 2024-07-07 截止
五险一金 节日福利 带薪年假 定期体检 工作居住证 晋升机会
优复门诊 UP CLINIC 是优复医疗集团旗下的连锁骨科康复门诊部品牌,致力于肌骨康复、运动医学以及骨科相关疾病的预防与诊疗。优复门诊的宗旨是“优质医疗,优质康复”。目前在上海静安区南京西路板块、浦东新区八佰伴板块、长宁区古北板块,黄浦区新天地板块运营高端连锁康复门诊,2022年有2家门诊正在装修与筹备中,我们对接50多家国内外高端医疗保险,为运动爱好者、骨科手术后人群以及亚健康人士提供专业医疗服务。
优复门诊UP CLINIC团队以孙晓怡博士、叶庭均博士、Roger Zhao博士与CoryArth博士为首的医生集团所创立。创始人为省领军人物,并拥有国家级专利。联合创始人于2012年由为姚明与刘翔主刀的美国足踝外科主席ThomasClanton医生引进入中国,并与2017年联合创立优复门诊。

工作职责Job Description
1. 负责病患康复评估/体能评估,为患者提供有针对性的康复指导并制定方案和实施Responsible for patientrehabilitation assessment/physical fitness assessment, provide targetedrehabilitation guidance to patients and make plans and implementation;
2. 根据患者的需要,为患者提供专业的康复治疗、康复训练、体能康复训练、疼痛治疗、损伤防护等服务;
According to the needs of patients, to provide patients withprofessional rehabilitation, rehabilitation training, physicalrehabilitation training, pain treatment, injury protection and other services;
3. 熟练掌握各项设备、仪器、训练辅具,为患者提供专业指导;Be familiar with the equipments,instruments, aids, to provide professional guidance to patients;
4. 负责患者的随访和意见反馈;Responsible for patients follow-up and feedback;
5. 按时完成病历书写及规范书写病历;Finish the medical record on time, and write it in standard。
6. 熟悉门诊内部SOP,并按标准执行;Be familiar with internal SOP in clinic and followthe standard;
7. 积极参与优复研究院各项培训,不断提升个人专业技能;Actively participate in the training of UPA,and constantly improve personal professional skills;
8. 按时按质完成新人培训带教工作Finish the training and teaching work on time;
9. 积极配合市场部活动开展与执行;Actively cooperate with Marketing Department to carryout events。

1. Major in Physiotherapy, bachelor degree or above;康复医学专业,本科及以上学历;
2. Willing to work in a bilingual environment, and English is availableas a working language;乐于在双语的环境下工作,英语可作为工作语言;
3. Knowledge of PT or OT related rehabilitation techniques andproficiency in the use of therapeutic equipment and training equipmentin the field of rehabilitation;掌握PT或OT相关康复诊疗技术,熟练使用康复领域相关的治疗仪器和训练器械材;
4. Have good professional ethics and teamwork spirit;拥有良好的职业道德和团队协作精神;
5. Hardworking and able to work under pressure;吃苦耐劳,抗压能力强;
  • 康复医学,康复医学

  • 硕士

  • 3-5年

  • 初级

  • 英语六级

  • 1


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