
日期:2012-09-19 来源:海外博士后
http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2012-09-19/postdoctor141620.html 海外博士后
Post doctoral position available to study cancer biology cancer stem cells metastasis and blood stem cell formation at the Columbia University Cancer Center. Leukemia stem cells (LSC) and blood-formin

Post doctoral position available to study cancer biology, cancer stem cells, metastasis, and blood stem cell formation at the Columbia University Cancer Center. Leukemia stem cells (LSC ) and blood-forming hematopoietic stem cells (HSC ) are known to live in intimate association with bone cells in the bone marrow (the so-called ?niche? for hematopoietic stem cells). My lab is interested in the molecular interactions between bone, blood stem cells and leukemia. We have recently devised a high throughput assay that captures the behavior of leukemia stem cells and blood forming stem cells in the context of bone-derived support cells. Using this system, we performed a novel ?niche-based? RNA I screen and have identified several genes involved in the regulation of leukemia stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells.
The researcher will have the opportunity to understand these genes mechanistically and functionally and use transplantation studies in mice to dissect their effects. Furthermore, the researcher will learn to use high throughput screening platforms (widely used in the industry) and medicinal chemistry to find drugs or genes that differentially affect LSCs versus HSCs. The eventual aim is to define a new generation of anti-cancer drugs using novel screening platforms unavailable in the pharmaceutical industry. The lab collaborates actively with the Broad Institute (a Harvard/MIT institute in Boston).
Candidates for the post-doctoral position should have experience in either Drosophila genetics, Biochemistry, or Molecular Biology.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. and less than three years of postdoctoral experience
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.



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