
日期:2012-11-08 来源:海外博士后
http://www.pinjiao.com/bsh/guowaiboshihou/2012-11-08/postdoctor150672.html 海外博士后
The Rademakers Laboratory at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville uses family and population-based genetic methods to identify and implicate genetic mutations in human neurological disease. Subsequent functional

The Rademakers Laboratory at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville uses family and population-based genetic methods to identify and implicate genetic mutations in human neurological disease. Subsequent functional analyses include molecular and biochemical studies in cell-culture and (more recently) mouse models. Our research projects are dedicated to understanding the molecular basis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). At present, we seek highly motivated individuals to carry out postdoctoral research. Specific projects include but are not limited to: 1) Identification and study of regulators of the neurotrophic factor progranulin; 2) RNA sequencing studies of patients with C9ORF72 repeat expansions and 3) Identification of novel FTD and ALS disease genes.

Successful candidates must be creative and must have the ability to find and apply innovative methods to biological questions. Individuals with a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. are eligible to apply. They must have experience in two or more of the following areas: molecular biology, cell-biology, molecular genetics, genomics, computational biology/ bioinformatics, and neuroscience. Previous experience in FTD and/or ALS research is highly recommended but not necessary. They must have excellent verbal and written communication skills and a strong record of peer- reviewed publications. In the short term, the successful applicant will be encouraged to be part of and direct a small research team; in the longer term, the applicant is expected to seek and obtain independent funds. Mayo Clinic Jacksonville is one of the leading research establishments in neurodegenerative disorders in North America. The Rademakers Laboratory and adjacent Mayo research laboratories are well funded and well equipped.



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