  • A01

    默沙东(中国)有限公司     参展人次:6884


    默沙东(中国)有限公司于1992年在香港成立。1994年,默沙东公司和杭州华东医药集团公司合资成立杭州默沙东制药有限公司。自进入中国以来,默沙东的18种新药和4种创新疫苗在中国上市,其中多数为世界最新或最好的药物。这些创新药品的上市,开创了新的治疗领域,挽救了无数患者的生命,改善了人们的健康水平。 <br/> <br/> 2009年,默沙东与先灵葆雅合并。合并之后的默沙东拥有更为丰富的产品线和更为强大的科研实力。目前,在中国上市的默沙东产品有涵盖心血管、传染性疾病、骨骼肌肉、疼痛、男性健康、女性健康、皮肤科、抗过敏和呼吸系统、肿瘤、中枢神经系统、糖尿病、健康消费品、辅助生殖药品等领域的46种人用药品、4种人用疫苗和46种动物保健产品。 <br/> <br/> 默沙东中国的总部设在上海,在中国大陆地区共设有10个分公司,员工超过4500人。 <br/> <br/> 目前,默沙东在中国设有三座工厂,共有员工近400名。工厂拥有全球一流的生产设施、环境标准及管理技术,符合中国药品生产质量管理规范(CGMP标准)。杭州默沙东工厂生产心血管、抗感染、呼吸、骨骼等方面的10种产品;上海先灵葆雅制药工厂生产抗过敏和皮肤科产品;南京欧加农工厂生产计划生育用医疗器械和多种激素替代治疗药品。 <br/> <br/> 从进入中国市场以来,默沙东逐步加大在中国的研发投入。2005年,默沙东的全球研发机构——默克实验室在北京设立了全球临床数据管理中心,以支持默沙东的全球临床实验项目和药品安全研究。目前,该中心已经成为默沙东全球三大数据管理中心之一,拥有员工超过100名。 <br/> <br/> 今天的默沙东正致力于为全世界带来健康的福音。为全球140多个国家提供药物、疫苗、生物制剂、健康消费品和动物保健产品,并与客户一起提供创新的健康解决方案。同时,还致力于通过各种意义深远的项目向需要帮助的人们捐赠和提供产品,从而扩展人们获得医疗卫生的途径。默沙东,健康是福。 <br/> <br/> 详细信息请关注默沙东中国网站:********


  • 1. (广州)Health Science Advisor(科学顾问)


    Job Description******** <br/>I******** develop an******** relationship with healthcare professionals (HCP), scientific leader (SL) an******** external customer to engage in medical an******** dialogue; <br/>Support the development of scientific an******** knowledge that will contribute to further disseminate sc******** medical an******** knowledge to HCP; <br/>Deliver lectures an******** medical an******** session during academic events; <br/>Identify regional an******** unmet medical/scientific needs and/or clinical studies opportunities through discussions with SLs; <br/>Communicate an********-up adequately with Medical Affa******** Medical A******** Marketing an******** regarding local an******** studies; <br/>Identify an******** tailore******** to Sales Force an******** MSD personnel in a proactive way or upon request; <br/> <br/>Job Qualification******** <br/>Degree holder in sc******** medicine or medicine pharmacy; Doctorate (PhD) or Master degree is desired; <br/>Sol******** an******** backgroun******** prior significant practice experience in degree area; <br/>Interpersonal effectiveness an******** skills; <br/>Self mot******** commitment an********; <br/>Customer focus, team collaboration an******** to work across functions; <br/>Appropriate level of English (writing an********). <br/> <br/>应聘者请将您的简历发送到以下邮箱:********,或邮寄至:上海市静安区南京西路1601号越洋国际广场20楼 人力资源部(邮编:200040),请务必在邮件上注明“应聘科学顾问”。

    招聘人数: 若干


  • 2. (上海)Health Science Advisor (科学顾问)


    Job Description******** <br/>I******** develop an******** relationship with healthcare professionals (HCP), scientific leader (SL) an******** external customer to engage in medical an******** dialogue; <br/>Support the development of scientific an******** knowledge that will contribute to further disseminate sc******** medical an******** knowledge to HCP; <br/>Deliver lectures an******** medical an******** session during academic events; <br/>Identify regional an******** unmet medical/scientific needs and/or clinical studies opportunities through discussions with SLs; <br/>Communicate an********-up adequately with Medical Affa******** Medical A******** Marketing an******** regarding local an******** studies; <br/>Identify an******** tailore******** to Sales Force an******** MSD personnel in a proactive way or upon request; <br/> <br/>Job Qualification******** <br/>Degree holder in sc******** medicine or medicine pharmacy; Doctorate (PhD) or Master degree is desired; <br/>Sol******** an******** backgroun******** prior significant practice experience in degree area; <br/>Interpersonal effectiveness an******** skills; <br/>Self mot******** commitment an********; <br/>Customer focus, team collaboration an******** to work across functions; <br/>Appropriate level of English (writing an********). <br/> <br/>应聘者请将您的简历发送到以下邮箱:********,或邮寄至:上海市静安区南京西路1601号越洋国际广场20楼 人力资源部(邮编:200040),请务必在邮件上注明“应聘科学顾问”。

    招聘人数: 若干


  • 3. (北京)Health Science Advisor (科学顾问)


    Job Description******** <br/>I******** develop an******** relationship with healthcare professionals (HCP), scientific leader (SL) an******** external customer to engage in medical an******** dialogue; <br/>Support the development of scientific an******** knowledge that will contribute to further disseminate sc******** medical an******** knowledge to HCP; <br/>Deliver lectures an******** medical an******** session during academic events; <br/>Identify regional an******** unmet medical/scientific needs and/or clinical studies opportunities through discussions with SLs; <br/>Communicate an********-up adequately with Medical Affa******** Medical A******** Marketing an******** regarding local an******** studies; <br/>Identify an******** tailore******** to Sales Force an******** MSD personnel in a proactive way or upon request; <br/> <br/>Job Qualification******** <br/>Degree holder in sc******** medicine or medicine pharmacy; Doctorate (PhD) or Master degree is desired; <br/>Sol******** an******** backgroun******** prior significant practice experience in degree area; <br/>Interpersonal effectiveness an******** skills; <br/>Self mot******** commitment an********; <br/>Customer focus, team collaboration an******** to work across functions; <br/>Appropriate level of English (writing an********). <br/> <br/>应聘者请将您的简历发送到以下邮箱:********,或邮寄至:上海市静安区南京西路1601号越洋国际广场20楼 人力资源部(邮编:200040),请务必在邮件上注明“应聘科学顾问”。

    招聘人数: 若干
