
日期:2009-09-22 来源:丁香人才网
Chief Laboratory of Infectious Diseases : Bethesda Maryland Employer:  National Institutes of Health Location: Bethesda Maryland  Posted: September 21 2009  Expires: November 20 200..

Chief, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases : Bethesda, Maryland


 National Institutes of Health


Bethesda, Maryland


September 21, 2009


November 20, 2009

Jobs by tag(s):

infectious diseases, NIAID, immunology, molecular biology, genetics, vaccine

job description:

Chief, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

National Institutes of Health

Department of Health and Human Services

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Division of Intramural Research (DIR) seeks an outstanding individual to head the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases (LID) located in the main NIH campus, Bethesda, MD. A DIR laboratory chief is equivalent to a department chair in a university or medical school. LID has a long and successful history of development of antiviral vaccines and in the study of immune responses to viruses; the pathogenesis of viral infections; the molecular biology, antigenic diversity, and genetics of viruses; and, with the application of epidemiologic principles, the discovery of viral agents that cause previously unrecognized diseases or diseases whose cause was not previously established. The laboratory maintains a broad, flexible, and diverse scientific environment that supports and stimulates the activities of the vaccine programs at NIAID, including rapid development and testing of vaccines and immunoprophylactic agents in both developed and developing countries.

This position requires an individual with a Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M., or equivalent degree with proven ability to carry out a strong independent research program. Preference will be given to candidates with a record of leadership and accomplishment in vaccine discovery and development as well as in the study of viral pathogenesis. The selected individual will also be expected to recruit other principal investigators with independent research programs, manage a complex organization, lead a vaccine production unit, and oversee clinical trials in the United States and abroad. In addition, she/he will be expected to conduct an independent laboratory and/or a translational/clinical research program. Salary is dependent on experience and qualifications.

Generous ongoing support for salary, technical personnel, postdoctoral fellows, equipment, and research supplies will be provided. Available cores or collaborative facilities include flow cytometry, advanced optical imaging, microarray generation and analysis, high throughput sequencing, computational biology, production of transgenic and gene-manipulated mice, biosafety level 3 facilities, chemical genomics, and support for projects involving RNAi screening. In addition to an outstanding international postdoctoral community, a superior pool of graduate and undergraduate students is available to the successful applicant.

Interested candidates may contact DIR Director Dr. Kathryn Zoon at 301-496-3006 or kzoon@niaid.nih.gov for additional information about the position.


To apply, submit your curriculum vitae, bibliography, and a detailed statement of how your expertise can contribute to the success of the LID to Yushekia Hill at NIAID.DIR.Search@niaid.nih.gov. In addition, three letters of reference must be sent directly from the referee to Dr. John Gallin, Chair, NIAID Search Committee, c/o Yushekia Hill at NIAID.DIR.Search@niaid.nih.gov or 10 Center Drive, MSC 1356, Building 10, Room 4A22, Bethesda, MD 20892-1356. E-mail is preferred. Applications will be reviewed starting November 16, 2009, and will be accepted until the position is filled. Please refer to ad #26 on all correspondence. Further information about LID is available at www.niaid.nih.gov/labs/aboutlabs/lid/, information regarding the DIR laboratories is available at www.niaid.nih.gov/about/organization/dir/default.htm, and information about working at NIAID is available at www.niaid.nih.gov/careers/nlc.


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