
日期:2010-08-24 来源:丁香人才网
postdoc in academic cancer research / lymphocyte signaling : City of Cologne GERMANY Employers: Cologne University Location(s): City of Cologne GERMANY Posted: August 21 2010  Expires: Octo

postdoc in academic cancer research / lymphocyte signaling : City of Cologne, GERMANY


Cologne University


City of Cologne, GERMANY


August 21, 2010 


October 20, 2010


Job Tag(s):



The Laboratory of „Lymphocyte Signaling and Oncoproteome“ under Dr. med. Marco Herling at the Department of Internal Medicine I (Chair Prof. Dr. med. M. Hallek) at the University Hospital of Cologne, Germany, is looking for Senior Postdocs in academic cancer research

The positions, starting in 11/2010, are initially open for two years, but can be extended contingent upon progress in the project(s).

I) The AKT signaling pathway in CLL (search for novel protein interaction partners; inhibitory strategies, molecular modeling).

II) The B-cell receptor (BCR) in CLL (epitope identification; BCR modifications; tumor-stroma interactions)

We are looking for well-qualified candidates with deep practical research experience as well as theoretical background in the above fields. Please refrain from applying if you can not prove experience in one of the above areas. The candidate should have had exposure to a broad variety of techniques in molecular biology and protein biochemistry, and immunology. In particular, each applicant should clearly indicate which topic I) or II) she/he is applying for and should relate this to her/his background/experience. Topic I) requires a strong expertise in proteomic approaches and protein-biochemistry while Topic II) requires a strong background in gene targeting in animal models as well as in cell signaling.
The main focus of our laboratory are the mechanisms of oncogenic transformation in lymphocytes to be exploited for clinical applications in the future. Our institution is one of 4 German officially accredited Excellence Centers in Oncology. In addition, the Cologne Excellence Cluster on Aging Associated Diseases (CECAD) or associated Max-Planck Institutes are located at the campus.
We are a young and ambitious 9-person team, embedded in an excellent environment of multiple expertises and collaborations at the Medical School main campus. It would expose the candidate to a variety of experimental methods of protein detection, isolation and biochemistry, as well as techniques in molecular biology and experimental immunology, using cancer models and patient material.
Basic requirements for this position are a Doctoral Degree in the natural sciences as well as proficiency in basic methods of molecular biology and cell signaling research.
We will give preference to young above-average candidates with proven productivity (publications), substantial research experience, indicated ambition and noticeable potential to pursue an academic career. These positions aim towards achieving scientific independence and are suited for talented future junior group leaders.
Of added value would be if the candidate had proven her/his qualifications in mentoring students. Proof of the ability to independently recruit funding is another positive aspect in the selection.
The application should comprise a CV including a photograph and undergraduate grades (German Abiturnoten), list of technical expertise, list of publications, list of funding, two phone numbers of people providing references, and your contact information.
The application deadline is September 15th, 2010. The application process includes written questionnaires and personal interviews (incl. a 30 min. presentation) subsequent to the submission of the above requested information.
We are looking forward to applications of young ambitious scientists (to be sent to the email below or the postal address indicated at the bottom).


For further information please contact Dr. M. Herling under


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